►NLinBox | Namespace in which all linbox code resides |
►NBLAS3 | |
►NmulMethod | BLAS3 Multiplication methods |
Cnaive | Toom-Cook method |
►NIteratorCategories | Information about the type of Prime Iterator |
CDeterministicTag | Iterator following a deterministic sequence of primes (from the largest one, in decreasing order |
CHeuristicTag | Iterator sampling randomly (no distribution guaranteed whatsoever) from all primes of given bitsize |
CUniformTag | Iterator sampling uniformly from all primes of given bitsize |
►NProtected | This is the namespace all LinBox internal code is in |
CSparseMatrixGeneric | Sparse matrix container This class acts as a generic row-wise container for sparse matrices |
►NRingCategories | Some basic information about each field or ring |
CGaloisTag | Galois Field GF(p^e) |
CGenericTag | Generic ring |
CIntegerTag | If it is isomorphic to Z |
CModularTag | If it is isomorphic to Z/mZ, for some m or its extensions |
CRationalTag | If it is isomorphic to Q |
►NSparseMatrixFormat | Sparse matrix format (memory storage) |
CBCSR | Block CSR |
CCOO | Cordinate |
CCOO1 | Implicit value COO (with only ones, or mones, or..) |
CCSR | Compressed row |
CCSR1 | Implicit value CSR (with only ones, or mones, or..) |
CDIA | Diagonal |
CELL | Ellpack |
CELL_R | Ellpack fixed row |
CHYB | Hybrid |
CLIL | Vector of pairs |
CSMM | Sparse Map of Maps |
CSparseMap | Pair of vector/list (Pair of Containers) |
CSparsePar | Vector/list of pairs (Container of Maps) |
CSparseSeq | Vector/list of pairs (Container of Pairs) |
CTPL | Vector of triples |
CTPL_omp | Triplesbb for openmp |
CalgoException | Algorithmic exception |
CAlgorithmMetaData | Algorithm metadata; |
CBadInputException | The input is not as expected |
CBenchmarkMetaData | Benchmark metadata; |
CBitVector | Binary constant defined both for 32 and 64 bits |
CBlackboxArchetype | Showing the member functions provided by all blackbox matrix classes |
CBlackboxBlockContainerBase | A base class for BlackboxBlockContainer |
CBlackboxBlockContainerRecord | No doc |
CBlackboxContainer | Limited doc so far |
CBlackboxContainerBase | A base class for BlackboxContainer |
CBlackboxContainerSymmetric | See base class for doc |
CBlackboxContainerSymmetrize | Symmetrizing iterator (for rank computations) |
CBlackboxFactory | A tool for computations with integer and rational matrices |
►CBlasMatrix | Dense matrix representation |
CIndexedIterator | Indexed Iterator |
Crebind | Rebind operator |
CBlasMatrix< MultiModDouble > | No Doc |
CBlasMatrixDomain | Interface for all functionnalities provided for BlasMatrix |
CBlasMatrixDomainAddin | C += A |
CBlasMatrixDomainMulAdd< BlasVector< Field >, BlasMatrix< Field, _Rep >, BlasVector< Field > > | What about subvector/submatrices ? |
CBlasMatrixDomainSubin | C -= A |
CBlasPermutation | Lapack-style permutation |
►CBlasSubmatrix | Dense Submatrix representation |
CConstIndexedIterator | Raw Indexed Iterator (const version) |
CConstIterator | Raw Iterators (const version) |
CIndexedIterator | Raw Indexed Iterator |
CIterator | Raw Iterators |
CBlockBB | Converts a black box into a block black box |
CBlockCompose | Blackbox of a product: , i.e |
CBlockCoppersmithDomain | Compute the linear generator of a sequence of matrices |
CBlockHankelLiftingContainer | Block Hankel LiftingContianer |
CBlockLanczosSolver | Block Lanczos iteration |
CBlockMasseyDomain | Compute the linear generator of a sequence of matrices |
CBlockWiedemannLiftingContainer | Block Wiedemann LiftingContianer |
CBooleanSwitch | Boolean switch object |
CButterfly | Switching Network based BlackBox Matrix |
CCekstvSwitch | The default butterfly switch object |
CChineseRemainder | No doc |
►CChineseRemainderSequential | No doc |
CPrimeSampler | Helper class to sample unique primes |
CPrimeSampler< PrimeIterator, true > | Helper class to sample unique primes |
CClassifyRing | Default ring category |
CCommentator | Give information to user during runtime |
CCompanion | Companion matrix of a monic polynomial |
CCompose | Blackbox of a product: , i.e |
CCompose< _Blackbox, _Blackbox > | Specialization for _Blackbox1 = _Blackbox2 |
CComposeOwner | Blackbox of a product: , i.e |
CComposeTraits | Used in ..., for example |
CComposeTraits< BlasMatrix< Field, Rep > > | Used in smith-binary, for example |
CConstantVectorStream | Constant vector factory |
CContainerCategories | Used to separate BLAS2 and BLAS3 operations |
CContainerTraits | Trait for the Category |
CContainerTraits< std::vector< _Rep > > | |
CCRABuilderEarlyMultip | NO DOC |
CCRABuilderEarlySingle | Heuristic Chinese Remaindering with early termination |
CCRABuilderFullMultip | Chinese remaindering of a vector of elements without early termination |
CCRABuilderFullMultipFixed | Chinese Remaindering Algorithm for multiple residues |
CCRABuilderFullMultipMatrix | NO DOC |
CCRABuilderFullSingle | Chinese Remaindering with full precision and no chance of failure |
CCRABuilderProbSingle | Chinese Remaindering with guaranteed probability bound and early termination |
CCRABuilderSingleBase | Abstract base class for CRA builders |
CCRAResidue | Type information for the residue in a CRA iteration |
CCRAResidue< Integer, Function > | Type information for the residue in a CRA iteration |
CCRAResidue< std::vector< Integer >, Function > | Type information for the residue in a CRA iteration |
CCSF | Space efficient representation of sparse matrices |
CDataSeries | This structure holds a bunch of timings |
CDenseContainer | Limited doc so far |
CDenseMat | To be used in standard matrix domain |
CDensePolynomial | Dense Polynomial representation using Givaro |
CDiagonal | Random diagonal matrices are used heavily as preconditioners |
CDiagonal< _Field, VectorCategories::DenseVectorTag > | Specialization of Diagonal for application to dense vectors |
CDiagonal< _Field, VectorCategories::SparseAssociativeVectorTag > | Specialization of Diagonal for application to sparse associative vectors |
CDiagonal< _Field, VectorCategories::SparseSequenceVectorTag > | Specialization of Diagonal for application to sparse sequence vectors |
CDif | Blackbox of a difference: C := A - B , i.e Cx = Ax - Bx |
CDiophantineSolver | DiophantineSolver<QSolver> creates a diophantine solver using a QSolver to generate rational solutions |
CDirectSum | If C = DirectSum(A, B) and y = xA and z = wB, then (y,z) = (x,w)C |
CDixonLiftingContainer | Dixon Lifting Container |
CDotProductDomain< Givaro::Modular< uint16_t, Compute_t > > | Specialization of DotProductDomain for unsigned short modular field |
CDotProductDomain< Givaro::Modular< uint32_t, Compute_t > > | Specialization of DotProductDomain for uint32_t modular field |
CDotProductDomain< Givaro::Modular< uint64_t, Compute_t > > | Specialization of DotProductDomain for uint64_t modular field |
CDotProductDomain< Givaro::Modular< uint8_t, Compute_t > > | Specialization of DotProductDomain for unsigned short modular field |
CDotProductDomain< Givaro::ModularBalanced< double > > | Specialization of DotProductDomain |
CElementAbstract | Abstract element base class, a technicality |
CElementArchetype | Field and Ring element interface specification and archetypical instance class |
CElementEnvelope | Adaptor from archetypical interface to abstract interface, a technicality |
CEliminator | Elimination system |
CEnvironmentMetaData | Environment metadata; |
CException | This is the exception class in LinBox |
CFieldAbstract | Field base class |
CFieldArchetype | Field specification and archetypical instance |
CFieldAXPY | FieldAXPY object |
CFieldAXPY< Givaro::Modular< uint16_t, Compute_t > > | Specialization of FieldAXPY for uint16_t modular field |
CFieldAXPY< Givaro::Modular< uint32_t, Compute_t > > | Specialization of FieldAXPY for unsigned short modular field |
CFieldAXPY< Givaro::Modular< uint64_t, Compute_t > > | Specialization of FieldAXPY for unsigned short modular field |
CFieldAXPY< Givaro::Modular< uint8_t, Compute_t > > | Specialization of FieldAXPY for uint8_t modular field |
CFieldAXPY< Givaro::ModularBalanced< double > > | Specialization of FieldAXPY |
CFieldDocumentation | This field base class exists solely to aid documentation organization |
CFieldEnvelope | Derived class used to implement the field archetypeHelps to minimize code bloat |
CFieldMetaData | Field metadata |
CFieldTraits | FieldTrait |
CGaussDomain | Repository of functions for rank by elimination on sparse matrices |
CGeneratorMetaData | Generator metadata; |
CGenericRandIter | Random field base element generator |
CGetEntryCategory | GetEntryCategory is specialized for BB classes that offer a local getEntry |
CGivaroRnsFixedCRA | NO DOC.. |
CGmpRandomPrime | Generating random prime integers, using the gmp library |
CGMPRationalElement | Elements of GMP_Rationals |
CHilbert | Example of a blackbox that is space efficient, though not time efficient |
CHilbert_JIT_Entry | The object needed to build a Hilbert matrix as a JIT matrix |
CHom | Map element of source ring(field) to target ringAn instance of Hom is a homomorphism from a ring of type Source to a ring (usually field) of type Target |
CInconsistentSystem | Exception thrown when the system to be solved is inconsistent |
CindexDomain | Class used for permuting indices |
CIndexedCategory | Trait to show whether or not the BB class has a Indexed iterator |
CIndexedCategory< BlasMatrix< Field, _Rep > > | |
CInverse | A Blackbox for the inverse |
CInvertTextbookDomain | Assumes that Field is a field, not a ring |
CIrrecuperableException | Something bad an unexpected happened |
CJIT_Matrix | Example of a blackbox that is space efficient, though not time efficient |
CLABlockLanczosSolver | Biorthogonalising block Lanczos iteration |
CLanczosSolver | Solve a linear system using the conjugate Lanczos iteration |
CLargeDouble | NO DOC |
CLastInvariantFactor | This is used in a Smith Form algorithm |
ClatticeMethod | NTL methods |
CLinboxError | Base class for execption handling in LinBox |
CLocal2_32 | Fast arithmetic mod 2^32, including gcd |
CMaskedPrimeIterator | Masked Prime Iterator |
CMasseyDomain | Berlekamp/Massey algorithm |
CMatrixArchetype | Directly-represented matrix archetype |
CMatrixBlackbox | Matrix black box |
CMatrixCategories | For specializing matrix arithmetic |
CMatrixContainerTrait | NODOC |
CMatrixDomain | Class of matrix arithmetic functions |
CMatrixDomain< GF2 > | Specialization of MatrixDomain for GF2 |
CMatrixHomTrait | Try to map a blackbox over a homorphic ring The most suitable type |
CMatrixMetaData | Matrix metadata |
CMatrixPermutation | Permutation classique |
CMatrixRank | Compute the rank of an integer matrix in place over a finite field by Gaussian elimination |
CMatrixStream | MatrixStream |
CMatrixStreamReader | An abstract base class to represent readers for specific formats |
CMatrixTraits | NO DOC |
CMetaData | This is the general metadata class |
CMethod | Define which method to use when working on a system |
CMethodBase | Holds everything a method needs to know about the problem |
CMGBlockLanczosSolver | Block Lanczos iteration |
CModularCrookedRandIter | Random field base element generator |
CMoorePenrose | Generalized inverse of a blackbox |
CMVProductDomain | Helper class to allow specializations of certain matrix-vector products |
CMVProductDomain< Givaro::Modular< uint16_t, Compute_t > > | Specialization of MVProductDomain for uint16_t modular field |
CMVProductDomain< Givaro::Modular< uint32_t, Compute_t > > | Specialization of MVProductDomain for uint32_t modular field |
CMVProductDomain< Givaro::Modular< uint64_t, Compute_t > > | Specialization of MVProductDomain for uint64_t modular field |
CMVProductDomain< Givaro::Modular< uint8_t, Compute_t > > | Specialization of MVProductDomain for uint8_t modular field |
CNoHomError | Error object for attempt to establish a Hom that cannot exist |
CNotImplementedYetException | Not implemented yet |
CNTL_PID_zz_p | Extend Wrapper of zz_p from NTL |
CNTL_ZZ | Integer ring |
CNTL_ZZ_p | Wrapper of zz_p from NTL |
CNTL_zz_p | Long ints modulo a positive integer |
CNTL_ZZ_pE | Wrapper of ZZ_pE from NTL Define a parameterized class to handle easily Givaro::ZRing<NTL::ZZ_pE> field |
CNTL_zz_pE | Zz_pE Define a parameterized class to easily handle Givaro::ZRing<NTL::zz_pE> field |
CNTL_zz_pE_Initialiser | Use ZZ_pEBak mechanism too ? |
CNTL_zz_pEX | Ring (in fact, a unique factorization domain) of polynomial with coefficients in class NTL_zz_p (integers mod a wordsize prime) |
CNTL_zz_pX | Ring (in fact, a unique factorization domain) of polynomial with coefficients in class NTL_zz_p (integers mod a wordsize prime) |
CNTL_ZZ_pX | Ring (in fact, a unique factorization domain) of polynomial with coefficients in class NTL_ZZ_p (integers mod a wordsize prime) |
CNullMatrix | This is a representation of the 0 by 0 empty matrix which does not occupy memory |
COneInvariantFactor | Limited doc so far |
COpenCLEnviron | Container for all pertenant information needed to use an OpenCL device, compile kernels for the device, track resource usage, and gain exclusive access to the device |
COpenCLMatrixDomain | Interface for all functionnalities provided for BlasMatrix using GPUs |
CParamFuzzy | Abstract parameterized field of "fuzzy" doubles |
CPIR_ntl_ZZ_p | Extend Wrapper of ZZ_p from NTL |
CPlainSubmatrix | To be used in reference matrix domain (PlainDomain) |
CPlotData | The raw data to plot |
CPlotGraph | The graph (2D) |
►CPlotStyle | Represents a table of values to plot (2D) |
CPlot | What style of graphic : histogram ? graph ? |
CTerm | What format the plot should be in? |
CPLUQMatrix | PLUQ factorisation |
CPolynomialBB | Represent the matrix P(A) where A is a blackbox and P a polynomial |
CPolynomialBBOwner | Represent the matrix P(A) where A is a blackbox and P a polynomial |
CPolynomialRing | Polynomials |
CPowerGaussDomain | Repository of functions for rank modulo a prime power by elimination on sparse matrices |
CPowerGaussDomainPowerOfTwo | Repository of functions for rank modulo a prime power by elimination on sparse matrices |
CPreconditionFailed | A precondition failed |
CPrimeIterator | Prime Iterator |
CPrimeSequence | Adaptor class to make a fixed-length sequence behave like a PrimeIterator |
CPrimeStream | Prime number stream |
CRandIterAbstract | Random field element generator |
CRandIterArchetype | Random field element generator archetype |
CRandIterEnvelope | Random field base element generator |
CRandomDenseMatrix | Random Dense Matrix builder |
CRandomDenseStream | Random dense vector stream |
CRandomDenseStream< Field, _Vector, RandIter, VectorCategories::DenseVectorTag > | Specialization of random dense stream for dense vectors |
CRandomSparseStream | Random sparse vector stream |
CRandomSparseStream< Field, _Vector, RandIter, VectorCategories::DenseVectorTag > | Specialization of RandomSparseStream for dense vectors |
CRandomSparseStream< Field, _Vector, RandIter, VectorCategories::SparseAssociativeVectorTag > | Specialization of RandomSparseStream for sparse associative vectors |
CRandomSparseStream< Field, _Vector, RandIter, VectorCategories::SparseParallelVectorTag > | Specialization of RandomSparseStream for sparse parallel vectors |
CRandomSparseStream< Field, _Vector, RandIter, VectorCategories::SparseSequenceVectorTag > | Specialization of RandomSparseStream for sparse sequence vectors |
CRankBuilder | Random method for constructing rank |
CRationalChineseRemainder | Chinese remainder of rationals |
CRationalChineseRemainderVarPrec | Chinese remainder of vector of rationals |
CRationalReconstruction | Limited doc so far |
CRationalSolver | Interface for the different specialization of p-adic lifting based solvers |
CRationalSolver< Ring, Field, RandomPrime, Method::BlockHankel > | Block Hankel |
CRationalSolver< Ring, Field, RandomPrime, Method::BlockWiedemann > | Partial specialization of p-adic based solver with block Wiedemann algorithm |
CRationalSolver< Ring, Field, RandomPrime, Method::Dixon > | Partial specialization of p-adic based solver with Dixon algorithm |
CRationalSolver< Ring, Field, RandomPrime, Method::SparseElimination > | Sparse LU |
CRationalSolver< Ring, Field, RandomPrime, Method::SymbolicNumericNorm > | Solver using a hybrid Numeric/Symbolic computation |
CRationalSolver< Ring, Field, RandomPrime, Method::Wiedemann > | Partial specialization of p-adic based solver with Wiedemann algorithm |
CRawVector | Canonical vector types |
CRebind | Used in support of Hom, MatrixHom |
CRebind< std::vector< T >, U > | Rebind |
CReverseVector | Reverse vector class This class wraps an existing vector type and reverses its direction |
CRingAbstract | Abstract ring base class |
CRingArchetype | Specification and archetypic instance for the ring interfaceThe RingArchetype and its encapsulated element class contain pointers to the RingAbstract and its encapsulated ring element, respectively |
CRingEnvelope | Implement the ring archetype to minimize code bloat |
CRingInterface | This ring base class exists solely to aid documentation organization |
CScalarMatrix | Blackbox for aI |
CSemiDIteration | CRA iteration to get a diagonal with the same signature |
CshowProgression | Show progression on the terminal (helper) |
CSigmaBasis | Implementation of -basis (minimal basis) |
CSliced | The Sliced Matrix class _Domain must be a GF(3) rep, BaseT must be an unsigned int type |
CSlicedPolynomialMatrixAddin | C += A |
CSlicedPolynomialMatrixSubin | C -= A |
CSlicedPolynomialVectorAddin | C += A |
CSlicedPolynomialVectorSubin | C -= A |
CSmithFormBinary | Compute Smith form |
CSmithFormIliopoulos | This is Iliopoulos' algorithm to diagonalize |
CSmithFormLocal | Smith normal form (invariant factors) of a matrix over a local ring |
CSparse_Vector | Vector< Pair<T,I> > and actualsize |
CSparseLULiftingContainer | SparseLULiftingContainer |
CSparseMatrix< _Field, SparseMatrixFormat::COO > | Sparse matrix, Coordinate storage |
CSparseMatrix< _Field, SparseMatrixFormat::COO::implicit > | Sparse matrix, Coordinate storage |
►CSparseMatrix< _Field, SparseMatrixFormat::CSR > | Sparse matrix, Coordinate storage |
CIndexedIterator | Forward iterator |
CSparseMatrix< _Field, SparseMatrixFormat::ELL > | Sparse matrix, Coordinate storage |
CSparseMatrix< _Field, SparseMatrixFormat::ELL_R > | Sparse matrix, Coordinate storage |
CSparseMatrix< _Field, SparseMatrixFormat::HYB > | Sparse matrix, Coordinate storage |
CSparseMatrix< Field_, SparseMatrixFormat::TPL > | Sparse Matrix in Triples storage |
CSparseMatrix< Field_, SparseMatrixFormat::TPL_omp > | Sparse matrix representation which stores nonzero entries by i,j,value triples |
CSparseMatrixReadHelper | Read helper |
CSparseMatrixWriteHelper | Write helper |
CSquarize | Transpose matrix without copying |
CStandardBasisStream | Stream for |
CStandardBasisStream< Field, _Vector, VectorCategories::DenseVectorTag > | Specialization of standard basis stream for dense vectors |
CStandardBasisStream< Field, _Vector, VectorCategories::SparseAssociativeVectorTag > | Specialization of standard basis stream for sparse associative vectors |
CStandardBasisStream< Field, _Vector, VectorCategories::SparseParallelVectorTag > | Specialization of standard basis stream for sparse parallel vectors |
CStandardBasisStream< Field, _Vector, VectorCategories::SparseSequenceVectorTag > | Specialization of standard basis stream for sparse sequence vectors |
CStorageMetaData | Storage metadata; |
CSubiterator | Subvector iterator class provides striding iterators |
CSubmatrix | Leading principal minor of existing matrix without copying |
CSubmatrix< Blackbox, VectorCategories::DenseVectorTag > | Specialization for dense vectors |
CSubmatrix< Blackbox, VectorCategories::DenseZeroOneVectorTag > | Specialization for dense ZeroOne vectors |
CSubmatrix< BlasMatrix< _Field >, VectorCategories::DenseVectorTag > | Specialization for BlasMatrix |
CSubmatrixAdapter | Generic submatrix view adapter used internally in the OpenCLMatrixDomain |
CSubmatrixOwner< Blackbox, VectorCategories::DenseVectorTag > | Specialization for dense vectors |
CSubvector | Dense subvectorThis class provides a statically sized subvector of a random access container (such as std::vector, deque) |
CSum | Blackbox of a matrix sum without copying |
CSumOwner | Blackbox of a matrix sum without copying |
CSylvester | This is a representation of the Sylvester matrix of two polynomials |
CTernaryLattice | NO DOC |
CTimeWatcher | Helper |
CToeplitz | This is the blackbox representation of a Toeplitz matrix |
CToeplitz< typename _PRing::CoeffField, _PRing > | Specialization for when the field of matrix elements is the same as the coefficient field of the polynomial field |
CTraceCategory | Trait to show whether or not the BB class has a local trace function |
CTranspose | Transpose matrix without copying |
CTransposedBlasMatrix | TransposedBlasMatrix |
CTransposedBlasMatrix< TransposedBlasMatrix< Matrix > > | TransposedBlasMatrix |
CTransposeMatrix | Matrix transpose |
CTransposeOwner | Transpose matrix without copying |
CTriangularBlasMatrix | Triangular BLAS matrix |
CUniqueSamplingTrait | Whether a prime generator generates a sequence with non repeating numbers |
CUnparametricRandIter< NTL::ZZ_p > | Constructor for random field element generator |
CVector | Vector ?? |
►CVectorCategories | List of vector categories |
CDenseVectorTag | Dense vector (GF2 and general) |
CDenseZeroOneVectorTag | Sparse vectors (general) |
CGenericVectorTag | Generic vector (no assumption is made) |
CSparseAssociativeVectorTag | Sparse vectors (general) |
CSparseParallelVectorTag | Sparse vectors (general) |
CSparseSequenceVectorTag | Sparse vectors (general) |
CSparseVectorTag | Sparse vectors (general) |
CSparseZeroOneVectorTag | Sparse GF2 vectors |
CVectorFraction | VectorFraction<Domain> is a vector of rational elements with common reduced denominator |
CVectorStream | Vector factory |
CVectorTraits | Vector traits template structure |
CWiedemannLiftingContainer | Wiedemann LiftingContianer |
CWiedemannSolver | Linear system solvers based on Wiedemann's method |
►CZeroOne | Time and space efficient representation of sparse {0,1}-matrices |
CIndexIterator | IndexIterator |
CIterator | Raw iterator |
►CZeroOne< GF2 > | Time and space efficient representation of sparse matrices over GF2 |
CIndexedIterator | IndexedIterator |
CIterator | Raw iterator |
CZOQuad | A class of striped or block-decomposed zero-one matrices |
CPair | Pair of I and T : struct { column index, value } |