The distribution contains subdirectories (documented as `modules' here)
- linbox. This contains the library sources. The defined objects are in the namespace LinBox.
- linbox/field, linbox/ring, field and ring representations.
- linbox/randiter, random element generation for fields and rings.
- linbox/blackbox, generally immutable matrix representations for blackbox methods (based on matrix-vector products).
- linbox/matrix, mutable sparse and dense matrices.
- linbox/algorithms, the core algorithms of LinBox
- linbox/solutions, convenience wrappers of algorithms
- linbox/element, details of field and ring element representation.
- linbox/fflas, wrapper of BLAS for exact finite prime field linear algebra.
- linbox/ffpack, .
- linbox/util, basic integers, timing clocks, commentator.
- examples, programs meant to be directly useful or be guides for the progammer using LinBox.
- doc, the browsable
documentation is generated with Doxygen,
- interfaces, interfaces to other systems, such as Maple, gap, web servers,
- tests, primarily correctness tests to aid development.
- benchmarks, where you can benchmark and compare your LinBox installation.