Nfield_subtests | Tests of algebraic properties of rings and fields |
▼NLinBox | Namespace in which all linbox code resides |
▼NBLAS3 | |
NmulMethod | BLAS3 Multiplication methods |
NExceptions | Exception class for invalid matrix input |
NIndexedTags | Limited doc so far |
NIteratorCategories | Information about the type of Prime Iterator |
NMatrixHom | Limited doc so far. Used in RationalSolver |
NProtected | This is the namespace all LinBox internal code is in |
NRank | Rank of the system, if known |
NRingCategories | Some basic information about each field or ring |
NShape | Flags decribing the shape of the matrix |
NSparseFileFormat | Sparse matrix format (file storage) |
NSparseMatrixFormat | Sparse matrix format (memory storage) |
NTag | Structure for tags |
NVectorWrapper | Limited doc so far |