Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Nfield_subtestsTests of algebraic properties of rings and fields
 NLinBoxNamespace in which all linbox code resides
 NmulMethodBLAS3 Multiplication methods
 NExceptionsException class for invalid matrix input
 NIndexedTagsLimited doc so far
 NIteratorCategoriesInformation about the type of Prime Iterator
 NMatrixHomLimited doc so far. Used in RationalSolver
 NProtectedThis is the namespace all LinBox internal code is in
 NRankRank of the system, if known
 NRingCategoriesSome basic information about each field or ring
 NShapeFlags decribing the shape of the matrix
 NSparseFileFormatSparse matrix format (file storage)
 NSparseMatrixFormatSparse matrix format (memory storage)
 NTagStructure for tags
 NVectorWrapperLimited doc so far