How to Use the Command Line Version of the Service


You can download and run the webservice on your own machine. This allows you greater flexibilty than the webform and the option to call the webservice from other programs. There are two kinds of command line clients: a stand alone client and a dependent client. This page assumes that you are simply a user of the webservice, which has already been set up. If you intend to set up webservice and the middleman yourself, please refer to this page.

The Stand Alone Client

This version of the client is called with a main and command line arguments from the command prompt. The current version incorporates a queue where the requests are stored until they are ready to be processed. It can be built as follows:

Requirements: Setup:
  1. Install Ant, Axis2, and Java
  2. Set AXIS2_HOME to Axis 2 directory (eg /home/fendt/axis2-1.4.1)
  3. Set ANT_HOME to Ant directory (eg /home/fendt/apache-ant-1.7.0)
  4. Set JAVA_HOME to Java directory (eg /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun)
  5. Copy the LinBoxWebservice directory, located at /home/fendt/LinBoxWebservice.
To Install and Run the Stand Alone User Client:
  1. In the LinBoxWebservice directory, type "ant generate.user.client"
  2. The client can now be run in the LinBoxWebservice directory, for example: "ant run.user.client -Darg1=rank -Darg2=matrices/mat2.txt"

The Dependent Client

The dependent client is meant to be called from other programs. The webform client is an example of a dependent client. It does not have a main, but the code that is generated that can be called by other programs. It is not using queued requests like the stand alone client, because it is older and hasn't been updated yet. It therefore does not have any of the queue-specific functionality of the stand alone client. It can be built as follows:

Requirements: Setup:
  1. Install Ant, Axis2, and Java
  2. Set AXIS2_HOME to Axis 2 directory (eg /home/fendt/axis2-1.4.1)
  3. Set ANT_HOME to Ant directory (eg /home/fendt/apache-ant-1.7.0)
  4. Set JAVA_HOME to Java directory (eg /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun)
  5. Copy the LinBoxWebservice directory, located at /home/fendt/LinBoxWebservice.
To Install and Run the Dependent User Client:
  1. In the LinBoxWebservice directory, type "ant generate.dependent.client"
  2. The class is compiled to LinBoxWebservice/build/client/build/classes/samples/ quickstart/clients/TransferAgentDependentClient.class and can be imported by other classes.
Functionality: Return to server page