How to install LinBox (from a distribution)
See also INSTALL. Once the LinBox distribution has been downloaded from the LinBox download section,
1. Unpack the distribution using tar command:
tar -xvzf linbox-X.X.X.tar.gz
2. Go to the newly-created linbox directory and run the script configure.> cd linboxThere are many options for configuring LinBox. If you are not sure, just run> ./configure --helpYou will find a very comprehensible list of all possible features you may enable/disable.
Required packages are the following:
Basically, minimal LinBox only requires a working Givaro and Fflas-Ffpack installation. If they are not under the standard /usr or /usr/local paths, you may enable them with --with-givaro=<path/to/givaro> and --with-fflas-ffpack=<path/to/fflas-ffpack> options.
Givaro --with-givaro= <givaro_directory> used for finite fields, integer, rational and polynomial arithmetic. Fflas-Ffpack --with-fflas-ffpack= <fflasffpack_directory> used for small field dense linear algebra. NOTE : other requirements
Givaro requires GMP for big integer operations, see Givaro page for more information.
Fflas-Ffpack requires some BLAS for floating point dense matrix multiplication, see Fflas-Ffpack page for more information.
For Givaro install GMP For Fflas-Ffpack install Goto BLAS 2 ATLAS or ... NOTE : There is a script in alpha version that tries to automate the installation of required packages:
> sh auto-install.shthis will download the appropriate dependencies, compile and install them. Use --help for help on how to use this script.3. Optional configurations
Available packages are the following:
NTL --with-ntl= <ntl_directory> used for finite field, polynomial arithmetic. Lidia --with-lidia= <lidia_directory> used for finite field arithmetic. Saclib --with-saclib= <saclib_directory> not yet used Maple (> v9) --enable-shared --with-maple= <maple-directory> used to create an interface with Maple. Doxygen --enable-doc used to create the html reference manual (nothing will be created otherwise). IML --with-iml= <IML-path> used for fast integer/rational linear algebra. gnuplot -enable-benchmark used for creating plots in benchmarks.
Note:4. Install the library:the use of --with-default= <default_directory> can add a special directory to the default location of library
the use of --with-all specifies that all packages will be used
> make> make install5. Optional make targets:> make exampleswill compile the examples.> make checkwill check LinBox is up and running.> make fullcheckwill perform additionnal checks to ensure LinBox is completely sane.> make benchmarkswill benchmarks some LinBox functionnalities.
6. Enjoy ! (and report bugs, supply patches, ask for more functionnalities,... on the linbox mailing lists)